Social Media

Where would be we be without Social Media? The internet developed exactly because people are social and want to exchange informatie rapidly and over great distance. Social Media are very important to us. They take central stage in our communication:

In ecommerce, Social Media is an indispensable ingredient for success: customers are reached through Social Media. Whether it’s an ad on a social platform, or people crowding to comment on an influencer’s account: Social Media is the public space of our time. Where we used to go out shopping in malls and decide where we’d buy based on the dressed windows, we now shop and browse online. Even joining clubs and hanging out have become activities which we now do online, on Social Media. 

People trust more on recommendations of friends (or even strangers), than on ads. Knowing your interests makes it possible for us to target our offers so you only see ads you’re interested in and we don’t burn money on products which don’t sell.

Social Media allow people to get involved with causes and to form online communities around interests or a purpose. Social Media can also be used to teach; to report about a project’s progress, or to show that an investment was a good choice.

Applying Social Media is a pillar of our activities. We apply it to find customers, to connect and to entertain. We build an online community of Globadev Partners with whom we share our knowledge, again through Social Media.

If you want to know more about Globadev, or if you want to apply Social Media more efficiently; then subscribe to our newsletter and get our whitepaper on how to achieve more with Social Media – personal growth and leadership for entrepreneurs.